Category List
(LG) Low Fire Gloss
AMACO® Gloss Glazes fire to a smooth, glossy finish at a witness Cone 05. Always slow fire lead free glazes for best results. AMACO® Gloss Glazes flow slightly during firing to a high gloss fi…

(LM) Low Fire Matte
The AMACO Low Fire Matte glaze series is a group of satin-matte glazes that boast a bright, lively color palette and a buttery soft surface after firing. Unlike more fluid glazes, these glazes are sti…

(O) Opalescent
Although AMACO® Opalescent Glazes may be used on any AMACO® clay, they develop their greatest opalescence and most interesting textures when applied over red burning AMACO® Sedona Red Clay…

Dipping Glazes
Formulated for dipping. Dip the Cone 04 ( 1971F /1044 C ) bisque fired piece into the glaze, lift it out and turn it over, allowing excess glaze to pour out. Fire to mature Cone 05 (1911F /1031C) &bu…

(TPL) Teacher's Palette Light
AMACO® Teacher's Palette Light® (TPL) liquid gloss glazes are bright, translucent glazes that are the newest addition to the Teacher's Palette® family. The TPL’s are completely inter…

(TP) Teacher's Palette
AMACO® Teacher's Palette® (TP) liquid gloss glazes are completely intermixable so they can be blended with each other or with any of the AMACO® Teacher's Palette Light® (TPL) glazes to…